Incoming students

How to apply

Selection procedure at your home university

We are always happy to welcome Erasmus students at the IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, but you must first of all arrange this with your own university: we can only accept students who have been selected and verified by our partner universities. First, we will receive the list of the selected students from your University.

Application form and grades

After verification, we will send you an e-mail inviting you to make your application online on the website of the University of Lorraine

  • Before May 31 if you are coming for the first semester or for the entire year;
  • Before October 31 if you are coming for the second semester only.

On this page, you will also find the application documents for accommodation in University residences. Don’t forget to enclose your grades for each year of your third-level studies until now with your application form!

You will find here our Welcome Guide

At your arrival

The International Officer and the members of the International Office organize a compulsory meeting about the courses and the registration that takes place during the first week of September/January. On your arrival, you will be given an ‘Administrative Registration Form’ by the International Office. You must complete this and hand it in with:

  • A certificate of third-party liability insurance;
  • 1 passport photo and
  • Your European Health Insurance Card

You will then be issued with your student card. This card is free and enables you not only to access student services within the University campuses, but also entitles you to a student discount on public transport, into many cinemas and theatres, and in some stores. We organize some “Introduction events” during the first week of September (visit of the IUT, meal with your tutors, participation to an intercultural workshop, meeting with ESN association). It is strongly recommended to attend the Welcome Week.

International Relations for incoming students


Department head:  Assistants:

Opening hours

monday, tuesday and thursday
open from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 13:30 to 17:00
open from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 17:00
open from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 13:30 to 16:00

Download our welcome guide


Vous voulez obtenir une formation solide, en cohérence avec le monde professionnel ?

Nos équipes pédagogiques se mobilisent pour votre réussite et s’engagent pour votre succès !

Choisir l’IUT Nancy-Charlemagne

C’est intégrer une formation universitaire ouverte sur la vie professionnelle, en cohérence avec vos ambitions et vos objectifs. Au sein de l’Université de Lorraine, l’IUT Nancy-Charlemagne possède de nombreuses formations dans les domaines du commerce, de l’informatique, de l’information-communication, de la gestion et du multimédia. L’IUT vous propose 8 B.U.T., 1 Licence Professionnelle et 2 Diplômes d’Université permettant une insertion professionnelle immédiate ou une poursuite d’études.

Apprendre autrement, la pédagogie de la réussite

Les enseignements sont dispensés en petits groupes de travail favorisant l’accompagnement et le suivi de chaque étudiant, évalué en contrôle continu. Des projets étudiants (projets tutorés) ainsi que 22 à 26 semaines de stage en entreprise, en France ou à l’étranger, vous permettent de découvrir le monde professionnel. Vous bénéficiez également, lors des cours, de la présence de nombreux intervenants extérieurs en prise directe avec les milieux professionnels.