Incoming students

Buddy system and ESN

Tutors – our ‘Buddy’ system

Firstly, we have a ‘buddy’ system in place within the IUT, whereby a French student will commit him or herself to helping you upon your arrival in Nancy, and whenever you need it during the period of your stay. These students are known as ‘tutors’. We attribute one tutor to each Erasmus student. You will receive information at the beginning of July.

Erasmus Students Network (ESN)

Secondly, French students from the local branch of the Erasmus Students Network (ESN) operate an excellent support system for Erasmus students and also all international students arriving in Nancy.

ESN is a European-wide student network with the goal of supporting and developing student exchange: you can read about it in English. It’s made up of student volunteers, many of whom plan to go abroad as Erasmus students themselves. You will find ESN members at Nancy’s railway station on your arrival, ready to welcome you in both social and practical ways.

  • ESN Partnerships

That support in Nancy includes ‘partnerships’ with local banks and insurance suppliers, telephone suppliers – vital to most students, especially away from home – are also included in their partnership deals, so check with the ESN before signing up to any of these services.

  • ESN and settling in

ESN members, like your ‘tutor’, will also help you to negotiate your way through those initial days of coping with changes, different ways of doing things, and a different language, that marks every move to a foreign country. They have even been known to help out students to source accommodation – but this should be seen as a ‘safety blanket’ only! We would strongly recommend that you arrange your Hyperlien accommodation, before you arrive in Nancy because, apart from anything else, the choice of accommodation by then will be strictly limited – most of the good accommodation will already have been taken!

  • ESN and social life

Finally, the ESN organises cultural and social events, such as excursions, film nights, international food fests, and last, but not least, parties throughout the academic year. It’s a network that provides a great opportunity to get to know local students, as well as your fellow Erasmus students, in a friendly setting.

You will find further information on the activities of the local Nancy branch of ESN – in French – and a “Survival Guide”.

International Relations for incoming students


Department head:  Assistants:

Opening hours

monday, tuesday and thursday
open from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 13:30 to 17:00
open from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 17:00
open from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 13:30 to 16:00

Download our welcome guide


Vous voulez obtenir une formation solide, en cohérence avec le monde professionnel ?

Nos équipes pédagogiques se mobilisent pour votre réussite et s’engagent pour votre succès !

Choisir l’IUT Nancy-Charlemagne

C’est intégrer une formation universitaire ouverte sur la vie professionnelle, en cohérence avec vos ambitions et vos objectifs. Au sein de l’Université de Lorraine, l’IUT Nancy-Charlemagne possède de nombreuses formations dans les domaines du commerce, de l’informatique, de l’information-communication, de la gestion et du multimédia. L’IUT vous propose 8 B.U.T., 1 Licence Professionnelle et 2 Diplômes d’Université permettant une insertion professionnelle immédiate ou une poursuite d’études.

Apprendre autrement, la pédagogie de la réussite

Les enseignements sont dispensés en petits groupes de travail favorisant l’accompagnement et le suivi de chaque étudiant, évalué en contrôle continu. Des projets étudiants (projets tutorés) ainsi que 22 à 26 semaines de stage en entreprise, en France ou à l’étranger, vous permettent de découvrir le monde professionnel. Vous bénéficiez également, lors des cours, de la présence de nombreux intervenants extérieurs en prise directe avec les milieux professionnels.